Instance - go with it

August 3, 2016 10:17 PM

Here's the B side "go with it" from my latest project, Instance.

Recorded direct to tape on a Tascam 244
Korg Volca Beats
Arp Odyssey

posted by Annika Cicada (5 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

I used a bit of this in this month's MeFi podcast!
posted by cortex at 5:18 PM on August 4, 2016 [1 favorite]

This is my dream where My Bloody Valentine and Stereolab teamed up to form the best krautrock band ever, right?
posted by not_on_display at 5:53 PM on August 4, 2016 [1 favorite]

posted by Annika Cicada at 6:09 PM on August 4, 2016

So, not_on_display, Instance is the IRL band I'm in, so...maybe we will go on tour to where you live someday :-)

Imagine Stereolab, MBV, Explosions in the Sky, Yo La Tengo...
posted by Annika Cicada at 6:25 PM on August 4, 2016

Wooden Shijps too. Yeah, I'd pay to see that. Memail me if you hop the pond over to New England.
posted by not_on_display at 7:41 PM on August 4, 2016 [1 favorite]

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