7 posts tagged with bassflute by askmeaboutLOOM.
Displaying 1 through 7 of 7.
Prelude-Midnight (Trans-Siberian Orchestra)
Having already tackled Springsteen, Leonard Cohen, Christmas Music, and the Catholic Church, we decided that, for May's Challenge, it was time to up the ante to the second worst thing ever: TSO's non-Christmas music. [more inside]
Creepy Doll
A special reminder for all concerned, in this special time of year: Friends don't let friends self-immolate. [more inside]
Gladly Transform Cold Smoky Codas
My second attempt at "composition," this bit of improvised serialism is based on the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists' Doomsday Clock [more inside]
Another RPM track, and a little more bass flute for everyone's audio diet. [more inside]
Glass Bell
A semi-minimalistic improv, built around a repeating rhythmic pattern. [more inside]
Qipheyo (The Great Big Mulp adaptation)
Where does he get those wonderful toys? [more inside]
Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes On)
I'm catching up with myself, finally. [more inside]