7 posts tagged with hallelujah by cortex.
Displaying 1 through 7 of 7.
Halle Hula - live from Hāpuna Beach
Sat down yesterday with my new uke, at a beach on the west cost of the Big Island, to revisit my Cohen/Elvis parody from several years ago.
It's still June for another hour and seventeen minutes, server time. [more inside]
An attempt to anger both Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan. [more inside]
This is the soundtrack to a movie about Leonard Cohen going on a rafting trip in rural Appalachia. [more inside]
Halle Hula
When Elvis Met Leonard. Nothing but uke, vox, and questionable taste. [more inside]
Stealing the 5/4 shuffle from Take Five and injecting it into Leonard Cohen: non-trivial. [more inside]
Hallelujah, Hoarse (cover)
I thought I'd take one for the team and kick off June's "Cover Hallelujah" Music challenge. This is a scratch recording I made about a year ago when I was home sick and had lost most of my voice. If you ever wanted to hear Excessively Husky-Voiced Cortex, this is your chance. [more inside]