
April 7, 2007 2:59 AM

Me and my Casio ( and my brother's guitar). I'm a liitle embarrassed posting this after listening to the other recent stuff, but hey, I'm learning a lot from you guys. I suck at guitar, so please excuse that part, and the snare is me doing it with my mouth. Still learning panning, fades, etc...the basics.

posted by sluglicker (7 comments total)

That was a cute little shanty! I enjoyed it.
posted by buriednexttoyou at 10:00 AM on April 7, 2007

Remember, a "bad" song is always better than no song at all.

If a film student at an underfunded rural PBS affiliate made SpongeBob Squarepants in the mid 70's, this would be it. I can just imagine felt puppets and a guy holding up cards during the open credits through which this plays.

I can't stop laughing at the snare sound! You didn't sample it... I can actually hear you breathing a bit...

Brought a smile to my face... keep at it!
posted by phrontist at 1:00 PM on April 7, 2007

err... this would be it's theme song
posted by phrontist at 1:01 PM on April 7, 2007

That's sweet! I'm glad you're having fun with it and sharing with us.
posted by snsranch at 2:03 PM on April 7, 2007

You shouldn't be embarrassed at all. The genre of this tune in itself is not my cup of tea at all, but your take on it was really cool and the ditty was charming.
posted by micayetoca at 4:24 PM on April 7, 2007

Indeed, this has a charming sort of broken-ness to it. Nothing wrong with that: gives it personality!
posted by flapjax at midnite at 3:47 AM on April 9, 2007

This is awesome.
posted by ageispolis at 6:55 PM on December 2, 2007

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