Mad Romance

May 14, 2007 7:00 AM

A bittersweet song of love. I produced a video for this last week that came out really well. Have a look at Google. There's a lower quality version up at You Tube as well. Thanks!

posted by Liv Pooleside (3 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

The song got me curious, so I went into your profile and that took me to your page. I think the Steam Powered Studio model is interesting enough that you should post it to Projects here, but you might want to check with one of the admins, 'cause I've seen that sometimes people are suspicious when someone just signs up to promote their project and you don't want to have people get distracted with that.

It sounds like a good idea, though in my opinion the main page of your web site could be a bit clearer for the newly arrived. Right now it seems like you see first the thing that was posted last, but you might want to change that so that people can go to the manifiesto, so that they can figure it out from the beginning (it took me a bit of clicking around to try to see what it was all about)

All in all, it sounds like a cool project. Best of lucks with it.
posted by micayetoca at 1:07 PM on May 14, 2007

Thanks to micayetoca, I had to check out the steam powered manifesto too. Cool stuff.

This song? I like it. Very smooth and well done. Mind posting the lyrics?
posted by snsranch at 5:04 PM on May 14, 2007

Sure! (late again)

Mad Romance
In loves trance
Take your part
Dance the dance
On your way
While the angels say
They don't stand a chance

Jump right in
Sink or swim
Bet the world
On a whim
Stand or fall
You might wil it all
Although the odds are slim

All it takes is a gesture
All it takes is a word
All it needs are two believers
Haven't you heard? Haven't you heard?

Mad Romance
In loves trance
Take your part
Dance the dance
On your way
While the angels say
They don't stand a chance.

(Jeff Coleman)
posted by Liv Pooleside at 6:08 PM on October 18, 2007

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