Snake Song

July 18, 2007 2:54 PM

A song about snakes.

posted by spacedog (6 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

I listen to it once without paying much attention, but I liked the odd drums. It must have been really hard to keep going against them.

Then some parts of the lyrics caught me, and I started again from the beginning. So this is the second time I've listened to it, the first time I've heard it through and now it ended abruptly. It's a shame. Or not, if it's how you wanted it to end.

Brilliant lyrics, nice tune and lovely odd arrangements. I'm playing it again now. There are some bits of the lyrics I don't understand, would you mind posting them here?
posted by micayetoca at 3:17 PM on July 18, 2007

That's very kind of you, thanks! I think I had a metronome on while recording. The drum pattern is unusual, I don't know why but it sounded better with the drums coming slightly after the beat. Here are the lyrics:

"Snakes are so friendly, they like to play poker for money but they never pay. Life is nice for snakes they eat nothing but ice cream. They are scared of chip shops and they own a football team. They live in Chester and most are called Lester and they like to buy hi-fis. They bark at the moon and they hum out of tune and turn into cakes when they die.

They like to go to a show sometimes, then they go out and commit lots of crimes. Life is nice for snakes they're acquainted with the Queen. They can talk for hours about the techno music scene. They put pressure on you to make them a fondue and then try and sell you drugs. I wouldn't cross them they've got powerful friends and they like to use hired thugs."
posted by spacedog at 3:44 PM on July 18, 2007

Great line after great line. The first one that caught me was "they bark at the moon and they hum out of tune." I heard it and I thought "I gotta steal that one," then I rewinded the song, heard it through and now I wanna steal every single one.

I guess "do a cover" would sound more respectful to you. I should be careful with my choice of words, I still don't know if you are on drugs, if you have powerful friends or like to use hired thugs.

Really cool song, mate.
posted by micayetoca at 4:06 PM on July 18, 2007

The delivery is kind of awesome, and the lyrics are good fun. I could see your voice used in some kick ass melodic electronica new wave type music. The synth solo is unbelievably perfect, and made me laugh.
posted by edlundart at 9:01 PM on July 18, 2007

Thanks! I'm glad you liked the solo, I felt like I could get away with a not completely serious instrumental, which made it easier to choose a sound for the synth. Similarly I find it much easier writing nonsense lyrics as opposed to proper ones!
posted by spacedog at 1:23 AM on July 19, 2007

I'm glad you like it micayetoca! I'm not on drugs and I deplore violence. Like your tunes by the way!
posted by spacedog at 10:19 AM on July 19, 2007

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