Lonely Thoughts

December 14, 2007 8:32 PM

11 years ago, live to tape, first take, reklus + The Great Big Mulp + the now dead guitarist. I was 18 and had almost died of Lyme disease and subsequently lost "the love of my life." The sentimentality and quality of the lyrics is therefore no reflection of my style. Also, I was 18 and sing like it.

We recorded this with a roland vs840 going optically into a component minidisc recorder.
I really loved the Roland reverb.
Oh, and I used to do millisecond editing using that damn minidisc recorder. No wonder my eyes are going.

posted by reklus (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

So Bowie!
posted by Ogre Lawless at 1:05 PM on February 10, 2012

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