Sold Sign

July 3, 2006 3:57 PM

Once upon a time, there was a band named Thred. It imploded because our manager was hot and three of the guys in the band couldn't keep their hands off her. We recorded this one for a benefit CD that never materialized, in a studio where I eventually found myself working, learning how to use ProTools. I mixed most of this myself, just for the hell of it. (The song takes aim at local band Carbon Leaf, whom we didn't think were deserving of the praise they were getting. I just can't see a penny whistle on the MTV except for R.E.M., and you ain't them...)

posted by emelenjr (7 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite

damn shame about the implosion, there's a room full of people in central Japan who've abandoned the brunch I made them in order to dance around the kitchen to your tune.

funky good stuff.
posted by squasha at 5:36 PM on July 3, 2006

The most polite funk I ever heard. Really well played, and quite catchy.
posted by edlundart at 7:28 PM on July 3, 2006

yeah, i like this ... really like the organ, that was a good band
posted by pyramid termite at 11:08 PM on July 3, 2006

Thanks! That's me on the organ (and in the mix on the vocal harmonies, too). I played keys and sang the harmony parts on the other tracks I've uploaded here, too. Back in 2003, local free alt (not very alt, actually) weekly Style Weekly profiled the band in its annual music issue. We thought that was hilarious, considering we hadn't been together all that long.
posted by emelenjr at 7:59 AM on July 4, 2006

Carbon Leaf were on MTV? I saw those cats live last year, but I thought they were still small-time.
posted by Eideteker at 9:52 AM on July 4, 2006

You got a pic of the manager? ;)

This song is good.
posted by sciurus at 8:44 AM on July 5, 2006

I could point you in the direction of her Myspace page, but that wouldn't exactly be fair since you know a little of the back story.

I wasn't one of the three. Heh.
posted by emelenjr at 5:02 AM on July 11, 2006

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