Somewhere In Between

July 4, 2006 1:00 AM

Before the web, before I left college, I wrote songs. Lots of songs. This is from a tape I recorded in my apartment somewhere around 1993 on a shitty Tascam 4-track.

posted by fraying (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

This does have that 1993 vibe to it, I really like the guitar woodley woo part, but I keep thinking you're saying "diet coke"

"I'm sure you're out there, but diet coke wait...."
posted by jessamyn at 12:49 PM on July 4, 2006

I'm not hearing the 1993. The guitar part (I love the intro riff, man, it kills) reminds me of something from the late 70s that my Harley-riding brother used to play on his hi-fi in his sunken living room with shag carpeting. The vocals, on the other hand, remind me of Carissa's Wierd, in a good way of course.

Here's a vote for re-recording this, maybe with a live drummer.
posted by ikkyu2 at 12:42 AM on July 6, 2006

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