Mistress Song

July 23, 2008 7:09 PM

I played a gig last week with a violin player and a bassist and they recorded it. This is one of the tunes.

If you like it, there's more - the rest of the gig even - here. Lyrics.

posted by motty (2 comments total)

Well done! It's short, but since there's only the one section I think it works. I do wish I could hear more of the violin, though -- it's a bit overpowered in the recording.
posted by danb at 9:21 AM on July 25, 2008

Cheers, danb. For a live recording I think it came out ok, though I do have the option to remix as I have the stems. Violin wasn't playing much on this one either (other tunes have solos and everything) so I'll have to have a think.

Also, note to self - never tag anything as 'miserable'. I originally tagged this as 'miserable' and no-one listened to it. On removing the tag there were 6 new plays in the following twenty-four hours. Or something like that.
posted by motty at 6:55 AM on July 28, 2008

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