Mister Bones

October 28, 2008 7:40 AM

The infamous Mister Bones makes yet another appearance in the cultural repertoire. Come for the song, stay for the bonus creepiness at the end.

This is a rough 'n' dirty mix of a song that will eventually be released on some album. I couldn't resist throwing it together for the October challenge. The bit at the end is a little prose poem I wrote and recorded awhile back. It is there in lieu of a proper ending for the song.

posted by nosila (4 comments total)

Fantastic. I would say the prose poem is there as a proper ending, not in lieu of. If you don't mind my saying, given that this is a rough mix, I'd suggest bringing up the bass a little more in the final mix. Other than that, it's sounding great, thanks for posting it.
posted by micayetoca at 6:52 AM on October 29, 2008

Thanks for the suggestion, micayetoca. I'm terrified of bass because my monitoring situation is lacking, so I usually have way too much. Looks like I overcompensated. :)

Glad you like it!
posted by nosila at 8:18 AM on October 29, 2008

I like that sort of squishy rhythm sound, and the interwoven vocal lines in what I take to be the chorus, and the way that the vocal line flows around the lurching instruments.

The poem is interesting, although I find the effects on the vocals a little...gimmicky? Maybe more straightfoward would work better (for me and possibly me only).

Nevertheless, this is really neat. Little touch -- that percussion stutter at 1:28. Nice.
posted by Karlos the Jackal at 12:13 AM on October 31, 2008

Prince wouldn't happen to have been an inspiration? The Halloween set is interesting, because no two songs are about the same character. MeFi art challenge?
posted by AppleSeed at 7:33 PM on November 2, 2008

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