American Desk
December 9, 2008 9:28 PM
A tribute to American desks and that Blagojevich guy.
posted by xorry (1 comment total)
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you've all heard of the story of the american desk
well you've heard it in the east and you've heard it in the west
you've sat on them in tuscan while you've sweated out that test
american desk
there's a small part of that fable that you've not been told
it involves old man lincoln that i'm sure you all know
he used to be my neighbor in the days of long ago
american desk
his name was licoln and he had a frightful stare
he liked to sit on my head and pound on my hair
but twas the thing he did after that were not quite fair
american desk
one day he need a sit and he need it awful hard
so he built himself a desk, and an old guitar
but the ingredients he used,
amirican desk
he went into the the woods with his hammer and his log
we hard an awful screechin coming from the bog
but when he emerged he'd created his great fame
american desk
posted by xorry at 8:27 PM on December 11, 2008