Você faz mal em se afligir

December 16, 2008 4:06 AM

A demo.

posted by micayetoca (5 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

I love the direction you're going in, micayetoca. It's like a lo-fi Arto Lindsay. It also reminds me of the band Fellini from São Paulo--a Brazilian yo la tengo, sort of.
posted by umbú at 12:46 PM on December 16, 2008

You are right, it does sound a bit like Fellini and I blame those damn drum sounds. I had nothing to do the drum with, so I took the first "puc" of the pandeiro (the one that you hear on the chorus at 0:40) and I tweaked the eq around, so the "bass" drum and the "snare" are actually the same bloody pandeiro. I think that and all the reverb I used on them gave it some sort of new-wavish sound. Oh well.

Thanks for the comment about the direction. I think I'm going to start doing a lot more like this and the version I did of "My Little Corner of the World" and "Sad Sad Song", we'll see what I come up with. I still owe you "El Aparato", by the way.
posted by micayetoca at 2:27 PM on December 16, 2008

Man, I really like the sound and feel of this quite a bit. It's weird, because I've been finding myself listening to and playing things that are more frantic, but this really hits the spot. Really wonderful guitar sound throughout as well, micayetoca (to me it sounds like the Beach Boys, but most things do, and that's not a bad thing--in fact it's a very high compliment).
posted by sleepy pete at 8:27 PM on December 16, 2008

This is lovely. Very soothing. I find myself wishing (as I sometimes do with your tunes) I could hear your voice more. You got a solid voice - let 'er rip!

You do a really great job of establishing atmosphere in your songs, something I always struggle with.
posted by ORthey at 8:20 PM on December 17, 2008

Yeah, these last few songs of yours are interesting -- they're like rippling water, radiating outward instead of flowing forward. Or something. They're less straightforward, is maybe what I'm trying to say, than some of your other stuff.
posted by Karlos the Jackal at 3:42 AM on December 21, 2008

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