Letter & line

April 12, 2009 1:51 PM

For the two chord challenge, though a bit of a cheat because it's more like two notes...

Another autobiographical number. I was writing a letter in the hope of coaxing an admired acquaintance into becoming a friend. Apologies for the hiss, the compression is a bit harsh.

posted by freya_lamb (4 comments total)

Real nice. You really got a lot out of those two notes (although isn't the very first note you play different than the rest? Cheater! ;)

Can you post the lyrics? There were some really great phrases. "What shape hammer would hit the nail"? Sweet.
posted by Corduroy at 11:04 PM on April 12, 2009

"The newsflash is old news now" is an other one. What do you use to record? can you record multiple tracks or edit them?
posted by micayetoca at 9:33 AM on April 13, 2009

Thanks Corduroy. I have no idea about the first note - you have good ears! Lyrics were:

I'm all about the entry point
but I think i missed the chance to tell you
I'm ready to report but the newsflash flashed out
It's old news now

What if I wrote it instead?
What shaped hammer would hit the nail?
What jaw-drop wicked turn of phrase would resonate with you?

So deep breath, letter and line,
Deep breath, letter and line x 2

I'm attempting to backtrack,
With a cack-handed rack
I had a seven-letter triple score
But it feels like I'm losing

Shit! I've gone awry I'm confounded again -
It's so hard to ask you to be - my - friend
So deep breath letter and line
Deep breath, letter and line x 2

It's like I'm twelve again and tongue-tied
It's the playground mash-up of a nursery rhyme
It's the pit of my stomach at testing time
I just can't get the words right!
If I wrote it instead
With a pencil, with lead
Would that lend gravitas to,
to this simple request?

Would it?

Deep breath, letter and line x 3

Ok I wrote the letter but I threw it away
There were too many adjectives,
too many ways
How do I say it?
What do I say?
Oh. Just, that, I think you're great!

Deep breath, letter and line x 3

Thanks for your time.

The rack reference came from the fact that most of our interactions were conducted via Scrabulous...*sigh*

micatayoca: I use the mic on my laptop and the windows sound recorder thingy. I have got Cool Edit and can do simple editing but I find multi-tracking hard because the sound bleeds across the tracks and it gets muddy quickly. I also mostly improvise so planning structured tracks is a bit daunting, but I need to improve so I'll try and post some examples.
posted by freya_lamb at 11:48 AM on April 13, 2009

I only asked because in "marriage song" the first few times you moved your hands on the fret it sounded like you were beating on a piece of wood, and it "suggested" that a little extra element like that would suit this lo-fi recordings. Not that you really need it or anything, I just thought of that when I heard "marriage song"
posted by micayetoca at 12:09 PM on April 13, 2009

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