
August 16, 2009 7:39 PM

It's disco-licious tune ambitions, and how they eat you up!

This was a self-set challenge: "Hey, buddy," I said to myself, "Can you mock Of Montreal, Nine Inch Nails, and yourself in one song?"

Well, please do tell: have I? Have I??

posted by ford and the prefects (2 comments total)

Oh, a "disco-licious song about" ambitions.
posted by ford and the prefects at 7:39 PM on August 16, 2009

The great thing about music is that the answer to all our far-out questions (like your "can I mock . . . ?") is always a resounding (or sometimes anesthetized) "hells yesss!" Very clever song; really like the instrumental hook at the end of the chorus, and the way you mix it up in the 2nd chorus; also, the last verse in general, particularly the voices. Really fun.
posted by February28 at 8:45 PM on August 16, 2009

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