Old Friend

October 24, 2009 12:54 PM

It's been way, way, way too long since I posted any music here, or in fact recorded anything. Anyway, it's always rough starting back up, but always a little interesting. Here's a song I was planning on submitting for the monthly challenge, but apparently I am unable to make scary music.

I'm getting a new mic and a keyboard soon - just recently gave a good effort at throwing together some way to make rough mixes in my apartment.

Also I am redoing the mixes on a bunch of songs from my EP, so recheck that out?

posted by tmcw (4 comments total)

I could have sworn that banjo was a piano at first. This song is definitely eerie. Submit it! Could you post the lyrics? Love all the banjo work. Oh, this really comes together nicely at the end. At first it felt kind of funny with all the hard panning, but that ending really makes it work, at least in my opinion. Welcome back!
posted by Corduroy at 3:17 PM on October 24, 2009

Yeah, this sounds great -- at first it sounded like Alan Lomax doing a field recording of ghosts in a cemetery, although it moves away from that pretty quickly as it goes on. Nice build.
posted by Karlos the Jackal at 4:44 AM on October 25, 2009

Yeah, this is neat. By the time I'd gotten to the outro, I'd almost forgotten what I was listening to... it was all around me, in a good way. Cool sound.
posted by uncleozzy at 5:38 AM on October 26, 2009

Hey, actually the mixing kind of reflects how I feel about the lyrics... they are, anyway,

Little claws and half-creatures skip around the logs and kindling, smoke
Little birds and bats unfurl fly around the chimney with our smoke
Half of us and half the world rains back down in all this smoke

(there's a delay effect on the entire track that ramps up during most verses. I don't know, I'm just pretty unable to write good topical lyrics. it's something I might work on.)
posted by tmcw at 5:35 PM on October 26, 2009

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