There's a chicken in the house

July 31, 2006 5:13 PM

Just a little chunk of banjo to take your mind of your Monday.

posted by snsranch (12 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

This sounds a little slow, but whatever. Enjoy.
posted by snsranch at 5:13 PM on July 31, 2006

Cool! Like Steve Martin said (sort of), you can't be sad with banjo music.
posted by litlnemo at 6:46 PM on July 31, 2006

My Monday is better now!
And, thank you, snsranch.
posted by The Great Big Mulp at 8:10 PM on July 31, 2006

I didn't hear this till today, but it did a pretty good job of taking my mind off Tuesday as well.
posted by ibfrog at 7:26 AM on August 1, 2006

More banjo please!
posted by jessamyn at 7:22 AM on August 2, 2006 [1 favorite]

What? Wednesday? Is it Wednesday? I guess my mind was on something else.
posted by arcticwoman at 11:18 AM on August 2, 2006

Everything is better with banjo. It is the ketchup of music.
posted by Schlimmbesserung at 11:14 PM on August 2, 2006

You've got a nice right hand there snsranch!
posted by Jofus at 4:11 AM on August 4, 2006

You know that Mississippi John Hurt song called The Chicken? This goes with that like mashed potatoes & gravy and slaw.
posted by sciurus at 8:34 AM on August 8, 2006

You are a fuckin' star, mate. What a cool ditty.
posted by micayetoca at 5:03 PM on July 3, 2007

I'm lovin the banjo. It is a wonderful sounding instrument and when played with love it sounds the best. It sounds to me like it is played with love, great job, I truly enjoyed it.
posted by Randy Curtis at 6:38 PM on August 20, 2007

what ? I'm going to buy a banjo ! Just found your post. Thanks.
posted by nicolin at 3:34 AM on August 25, 2007

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