
June 22, 2010 9:42 PM

Welcome, dear listeners, to another exciting episode of An Evening With...

Volume 2 of this experiment began as penance for accidentally recording a full album sans Pheatherwäit. The title's kind of a lie, too. This volume is actually from two combined sessions, but only because the first was cut short, due to extenuating circumstances.

I think this turned out just as good as Volume 1, if not even better. This will likely turn into a 3-4 volume set of material recorded in the last sesquimonth, with the other ensuing volumes including all four Demons. Enjoy!


Timbill (Timbill Corder, aka me): Drums, Percussion
Tréteque (Trey Beauregard, aka man vs sun): Plucked, Strummed, Bowed Guitar
Pheatherwäit (Melissa Burcham, aka pheatherwait): Flute, Kebab Shaker

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