I'm the Scapegoat (But I Don't Eat Garbage)

August 26, 2010 10:05 PM

Gyrophonia goes burlesque...or perhaps the other way 'round. I'm not quite certain which.

This chart was composed by our own V. Y. Beauregard III (man vs sun). We'd meant to get a new take with drums and viola and a real bassist, but didn't have a chance to get 'round to it. This take is from our December 2008 album, [Obligatory Eponymous Debut]. There's another track which has actually had a burlesque routine performed to it, but honestly, this one's so much more...strippy.


Timbill Corder (me): vocal "bass" (pitch shifted/harmonized with a Digitech Whammy pedal)
Trey Beauregard (man vs sun): Baritone Saxophone, Screaming Fit Through the Sax
Melissa Burcham (pheatherwait): Flute

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