From Olga

December 17, 2010 4:53 PM

Arnaud wasn't just about the techno noise. He was an enormous fan of Laurie Andersen's Oh, Superman and had assembled a vocoder himself by taking apart the family's old tube TV. His mother Olga, who was not an educated woman, could not write without speaking aloud, and so one day when he heard her writing a letter, he snuck a microphone under the rickety table, fed it to his home-made recorder, and began to play along...

Vocals by gomichild, who recorded herself reading the letter in one take. Everything else by me, improvised in one take.

posted by unSane (5 comments total) 6 users marked this as a favorite

This is awesome cool.
posted by Alnedra at 6:02 PM on December 17, 2010

FWIW, every tiume I try to DL this, I get the first 325K, about 5 secs. Probably my problem, not yours, just sayin.
posted by timsteil at 12:29 AM on December 18, 2010

try clearing your cache...
posted by unSane at 11:21 AM on December 18, 2010

my word. very nice work.
posted by peterkins at 2:25 PM on December 18, 2010

Oh I love that spacey effect I do
posted by The Whelk at 11:06 PM on July 16, 2011

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