
January 29, 2011 9:46 PM

A first draft of a Valentine's Day gift for my wife. Posted now in case anyone has any brilliant improvement suggestions before then...

Let's play outside
Heedless of any weather
Let's wheel and glide
Two swallows making a summer
No wish denied
No end to the growing season
The groom and bride
Immune to the charms of reason

And the true love knot
That holds our hearts entwined
Can never be undone

Let's melt away
Into the restless ocean
Let's spend a day
Immersed in a new solution
The void below
A source beyond all purpose
The world we know
A scratch on the mirror's surface

And the true love knot
That holds our hearts entwined
Can never be undone

Let's stay right here
Linger a little longer
Serene and clear
Away from the city's clamor
Just we alone
No one thinking about us
Obscure, unknown
The world can get by without us

And the true love knot
That holds our hearts entwined
Can never be undone

posted by doubtfulpalace (1 comment total)

A new version, incorporating some good feedback from Zenabi.
posted by doubtfulpalace at 10:18 PM on January 31, 2011

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