Uneffected Whamola Solo

June 30, 2011 10:56 PM

Just for flapjax and peterkins. Video is available here, as is FLAC.

This is all dry. Seriously. All you hear is the room mics and the dry signal from the pickup on the whamola.

posted by askmeaboutLOOM (4 comments total)

Oh, and special thanks to Johnny P.
posted by askmeaboutLOOM at 12:32 AM on July 1, 2011

Pretty cool! Thanks for putting up the video.
posted by Karlos the Jackal at 12:34 AM on July 1, 2011

nice! how fortuitous that i stopped by. this is obviously a great free improv instrument. the section just before the pachelbel quote is really sweet. if i had more room, money and time i'd get one...
posted by peterkins at 5:32 PM on July 1, 2011

I was hoping you'd drop in, P. You should absolutely get one; it would be right up your alley.
posted by askmeaboutLOOM at 9:12 PM on July 1, 2011

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