Entrance Exam

August 22, 2011 9:45 AM

More MeFi hip-hop! "Entrance Exam" is a rap song I wrote about growing up in the Philippines and eventually ending up in Seattle. I'd decided on a more aggressive/defiant tone from my usual stuff and I'm pretty happy with the result.

Production is by J8 here in Seattle.

posted by bayani (4 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite

That's hot man. Yeah, so much great stuff happening in the Seattle hip hop scene and it's awesome to see some of it spilling into mefi. Are you doing any shows in Portland?
posted by chrchr at 11:11 AM on August 22, 2011 [1 favorite]

Nice, the beat is awesome, I especially love the strings. The song sounds like that real hip-hop, not the wack mainstream hip-hop of today. I love hip-hop with a story. Great job man!
posted by dapperkoala at 2:19 PM on August 22, 2011 [1 favorite]

Thanks for the feedback fellas! dk: While I'm not opposed to rapping over more "mainstream" beats, I really do feel at home immersed in the Golden Age sound. chrchr: No shows down in PDX planned, unfortunately! We're doing the occasional local show here in Seattle and working on an EP for October release.
posted by bayani at 7:22 PM on August 22, 2011

I listened... I clicked through to your profile... and through to your website... where I have just listened to my first hip hop album.

And I like what I hear. Nicely done!
posted by jaruwaan at 9:17 PM on September 6, 2011 [1 favorite]

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