Results: Methodological Considerations
March 4, 2012 9:07 PM
Turns out, a wall of text you can hardly pronounce and don't understand is easier to read in a single take when you sing it.
Seriously. This way, you don't even have to think of it in terms of words, let alone phrases or sentences. It worked wonders for man vs sun in this track. All effects in this one were done realtime. This was the easiest, quickest track to mix of the whole album.
from Searching for Dual-Projecting Interneurons that May Contribute to Spinal Turtle Behavior, released 01 March 2012.
Trey Beauregard - Vocals
Timbill Corder - Live Effects Manipulation
Text by Tommy Scheurich
Seriously. This way, you don't even have to think of it in terms of words, let alone phrases or sentences. It worked wonders for man vs sun in this track. All effects in this one were done realtime. This was the easiest, quickest track to mix of the whole album.
from Searching for Dual-Projecting Interneurons that May Contribute to Spinal Turtle Behavior, released 01 March 2012.
Trey Beauregard - Vocals
Timbill Corder - Live Effects Manipulation
Text by Tommy Scheurich
posted by askmeaboutLOOM
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