My Behaviour

April 19, 2012 12:31 AM

Some friends and I do this weekly songwriting thing. Here is my contribution from this week. Enjoy!

The rest of our stuff is here, if you're interested.

posted by sarastro (4 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

What a nice little song. You write a song this good every week?
posted by chrchr at 9:53 PM on April 19, 2012

Thanks! I try, but some weeks are definitely better than others.
posted by sarastro at 11:52 AM on April 20, 2012

I wish I could be as productive as you...haha. Nice song.
posted by SolRockSF at 12:18 AM on April 21, 2012

Love the whole loose singalong crowd feel with this. Wee shades of Violent Femmes in the dynamics and the sort of talky-with-an-edge feel to some of the vocals in the lower-register bits.
posted by cortex at 8:34 AM on April 21, 2012

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