Night Beast
October 12, 2012 9:34 AM
This song is by my band Miracle Beard (previously) and features my baby daughter and my friend Julia on vocals. This track will appear on our upcoming album 'Bonjour, Jupiter.'
I was inspired to post this by this post of a pitch-shifted baby crying.
One night my baby just would not stop crying. After I tried everything-- and I do mean everything-- I figured I might as well record her & see what I could do with that later. I pitched down the sound, ran it through various filters & made it sound gigantic, like a growling Space Dinosaur. Then I added a piano loop and a few other effects and then my friend Julia added a vocal. I hope you enjoy the track!
One night my baby just would not stop crying. After I tried everything-- and I do mean everything-- I figured I might as well record her & see what I could do with that later. I pitched down the sound, ran it through various filters & made it sound gigantic, like a growling Space Dinosaur. Then I added a piano loop and a few other effects and then my friend Julia added a vocal. I hope you enjoy the track!
posted by Fuzzy Monster (1 comment total)
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posted by cincinnatus c at 1:59 PM on October 12, 2012 [1 favorite]