Just Wait

October 29, 2012 11:42 AM

I'm really new at all this, but I thought I'd put something together for the It Gets Better challenge. My first MeFiMusic song.

posted by MrVisible (2 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

I think your voice is the strongest part of this - it'll get more precise and more confident if you work at it (and lord knows I've got little room to comment on that), but it has a basically warm, rich, and unstrained sound to it that's just straightforwardly pleasant. I like the both the vocal harmony and the simple direct words in the section starting around 2:00 (kinda relevant to me at the moment, actually, and I was touched by that). If you're looking for places to improve, I think a little more variety in your picking patterns would be good, and you could use that to add some more contrast to different sections of the song. Also, the drums/percussion in this are (to my ears) more of a distraction than a help; in most of the places it'd sound better with just voice and guitar, as your pick attack is already plenty percussive. A good ending, too, by the way - also simple, but sometimes finding a good simple ending is the hardest songwriting problem for me to solve. Glad you posted this!
posted by Wolfdog at 12:33 PM on October 29, 2012 [1 favorite]

I really appreciate the suggestions; I've been goofing around with guitar for a while now, but just recently decided to actually sing, so your compliment about my voice is really appreciated.

I'm just getting the hang of Reaper, too, so any production tips are welcome as well.

posted by MrVisible at 3:39 PM on October 29, 2012

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