Christmas in Tokyo

December 3, 2013 6:17 AM

Three days into December; it has got to be time for some Christmas songs! Four years ago I wrote this song, with lyrics in Swedish, to communicate my Christmas melancholy to my family. Two years later I was still sad, but now in English, and on camera...

and still in Tokyo.

I've listened to nothing but MeFi music for a month.
I hope this counts as giving back.

posted by AxelT (5 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

and after the posting was done, I noticed the challenge.
I think it fits!
posted by AxelT at 6:34 AM on December 3, 2013

Ha ha, you patting the Christmas tree is hilarious.

I didn't find the song immediately grabbing, but I like it more and more as I listen to it.
posted by Karlos the Jackal at 2:55 AM on December 4, 2013

Thank you!

The Christmas tree patting seems to be everybody's favorite part :)
posted by AxelT at 3:45 AM on December 4, 2013

Dammit now I am missing Tokyo
posted by Hoopo at 8:13 AM on December 6, 2013

This is really nice!
posted by cincinnatus c at 6:00 AM on December 9, 2013

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