
March 12, 2014 8:25 AM

It's just a live acoustic recording I made on my iPad but I enjoy listening back to it. Hopefully you will too. (my own song)

posted by groklock (5 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite

This is lovely! Really memorable melody. I'm already hearing harmonies to it that I want to sing :)
posted by greenish at 4:28 AM on March 13, 2014

Awesome. It's great to hear that you got into it enough to feel like adding to it! (Hopefully your harmonies will mask the parts where I sing slightly off key :-p)
posted by groklock at 6:29 AM on March 13, 2014

gorgeous. is that fake reverb, or were you just in an awesome room?
posted by es_de_bah at 9:34 AM on March 15, 2014

Graci! It's actually just the default reverb in Garage Band + the ipad built-in mic... I mean.. I don't like to give Apple free advertising, but they really nailed their audio algorithms on this one
posted by groklock at 1:00 PM on March 15, 2014

Yeah, that reverb sounds way better then the default on mine. Great singing, great song.
posted by Corduroy at 3:50 PM on March 15, 2014

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