
April 25, 2014 2:11 PM

An old Ralph Stanley spiritual.

In the mid-70's, I lived in Port Orford, Oregon. A friend and fellow musician played me a 78rpm record of this song. He commented that it was the best harmony he'd ever heard. Not sure about that, but it was memorable enough that awhile ago I found it online and bought it. I pretty much copied 3 of the 4 parts.

posted by Danf (2 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

Hey Danf. What was your motivation for using autotune so heavily in this?

My reason for asking is that you might want it there for artistic reasons, and if that's the case then far be it from me to criticise. But if not, I'd love to hear this with all the processing taken off. It sounds like a lovely recording, and I find the sound of the artificial tuning and artificial vibrato seriously distracting.

Plus, just making sure you know you don't need autotune. You've posted here before with a clean vocal sound and your voice has a really distinctive sound that's really personal to your style. I miss it!
posted by greenish at 6:32 AM on April 29, 2014 [1 favorite]

God, your ear is better than mine! I had no idea that the pitch correction was that obvious.

It was the first time I had done it. I tend to sing flat, a bit, and my voice wore out before I got takes that I was really happy with. I also started over, and completely rerecorded it with a faster tempo, but it was not as good to my ears as what I posted.

Thanks for the feedback. When I get time, I will take the pitch correction off and get ahold of you & email a new version.
posted by Danf at 3:56 PM on April 29, 2014

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