Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

December 27, 2006 8:29 PM

A very minimalist ditty, recorded in October at SCM Recordings in San Diego. Also, my first MeFi Music post.

posted by Saellys (11 comments total) 20 users marked this as a favorite

Well, this is beautiful! Thanks for posting this. If you come to San Diego again, let me know (profile). I'd love to play back-up. Is that you singing or playing guitar or both? Whatever the case, this is good!
posted by snsranch at 8:54 PM on December 27, 2006

Thank you for the kind words! I live in San Diego, actually (my profile is woefully out of date), but it's been ages since I've gotten my butt in gear and done an open mic, let alone a show of my own. Things are in the works for the near future, though.

And yes, that's me singing as well as playing.
posted by Saellys at 9:59 PM on December 27, 2006

Beautiful. I'd love to see you perform someday. Do you have a myspace or similar device we can use to keep track of you?
posted by roll truck roll at 11:43 PM on December 27, 2006

Love the vibe. I am a huge fan of female singer-songwriters. Just been listening to Feist and this is reminiscent of her sound.
posted by mycapaciousbottega at 3:41 AM on December 28, 2006

Very nice!
posted by danb at 1:11 PM on December 28, 2006

More please!
posted by snsranch at 7:11 PM on December 28, 2006

Thank you all!

roll truck roll, my Myspace is My old EP (self-recorded) is available for free at My sporadically updated website is
posted by Saellys at 10:23 AM on December 29, 2006

Well, thanks. Now I'm completely addicted. We need more seeds on the torrent of your album! Any volunteers?
posted by blue_beetle at 10:30 PM on December 30, 2006

That was lovely. Really good song, I'm very impressed.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 5:44 AM on January 4, 2007

Thumbs up. Solid performance. Good tune.
posted by Ynoxas at 10:01 PM on February 11, 2007

This is lovely.
posted by empatterson at 5:01 AM on January 18, 2012

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