04 - children's crusade - vampire deer
March 20, 2020 4:01 PM
of course, this was written before things really went to hell
grew too soon, sunflower bent in a hurricane
stones cry love and hate, deer transfixed in headlight pain
masked for sacrifice love songs screaming children's shame
god's the only one i know who's not insane
there's always been a knife above me
escaping price in blood no one has enough to pay
tired and numb can't live and stop feeling anyway
gunshot crack bottle glove sex veterans of crusade
life's a mess and a prison we have shadow made
there's always been a knife above me
jesus look at us we are smaller than our eyes
television war seeping through a wall of cries
no one leads to follow to wake to hypnotize
bombs and dreams and grails and gangs and lies
there's always been a knife above me
posted by pyramid termite
grew too soon, sunflower bent in a hurricane
stones cry love and hate, deer transfixed in headlight pain
masked for sacrifice love songs screaming children's shame
god's the only one i know who's not insane
there's always been a knife above me
escaping price in blood no one has enough to pay
tired and numb can't live and stop feeling anyway
gunshot crack bottle glove sex veterans of crusade
life's a mess and a prison we have shadow made
there's always been a knife above me
jesus look at us we are smaller than our eyes
television war seeping through a wall of cries
no one leads to follow to wake to hypnotize
bombs and dreams and grails and gangs and lies
there's always been a knife above me
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