Let's Go To War
April 7, 2021 6:03 PM
Generative piece made in Sonic Pi. Was aiming for a jazzy feel, ended up sounding more modernistic.
It's a I-IV-V-IV-I progression, using minor pentatonic scales, and sus4 chords and chord-notes over that, with quite a bit of randomness.
It's a I-IV-V-IV-I progression, using minor pentatonic scales, and sus4 chords and chord-notes over that, with quite a bit of randomness.
totaltime = 150.0 live_loop :main do if vt > totaltime stop end progression = [0, 5, 7, 5, 0] for deg in progression thetimes = [1, 1, 1.25, 0.25, 0.75, 1, 1, 1] if not one_in(3) thescale = (scale :D+deg-24, :minor_pentatonic) else thescale = (scale :D+deg-12, :minor_pentatonic).reverse end set :dascale, :D+deg use_synth :piano volume = vt/20-0.5 if volume > 1 volume =1 end if volume < 0 volume = 0 end time_warp rand()/10-0.05 do play (chord :D+deg-24, :sus4), sustain: 8, sustain_level:1, pan:1, amp:volume end with_fx :gverb do for i in range(1,8) play thescale[i], sustain: 4, hard: 0.8, stereo_width: 1, amp: volume/5.0, pan: 0.25 sleep thetimes[i] if one_in(3) play (chord thescale[i], :sus4) , sustain: 4, hard: 0.8, stereo_width: 1, amp: volume/3.0, pan: -0.25 end end end end end live_loop :beat do if vt > totaltime-20 stop end thetime = [1, 1, 1, 1] time_warp rand()/10-0.05 do if rand()+0.2>vt/totaltime with_fx :reverb do with_fx :echo, phase: 0.25, decay: 1.0 do with_swing 0.2 do sample :drum_cymbal_soft, amp:0.1+rand/5, pan: -vt/totaltime end end end end end sleep thetime.tick(:drumtime) end live_loop :stick do if vt > totaltime-30 stop end thevols = [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1] with_swing 0.1, pulse: 3 do if vt > 20 sample :tabla_te_m, amp:thevols.tick(:stick)/4.0, pan: 0.2 end end sleep 0.75 end live_loop :beat2 do if vt > totaltime-10 stop end sleep 0.5 if rand()totaltime-30 stop end sleep 0.5 if rand() totaltime stop end volume = vt/40-1 if volume > 0.3 volume =0.3 end if volume < 0 volume = 0 end use_synth :blade thenote = (chord (get :dascale), :sus4).tick(:notesolo) thetime = [1.0, 1.0, 0.25, 0.75].tick(:timesolo) t = [1,1,1,1,2,2,3,4].choose t.times do play thenote, sustain: t*2.0, amp: volume, pan:0.2, attack:0, sustain:0.5, release:0.125 sleep thetime/t with_swing 0.1 do play thenote+[-12,0,7,7,7,5,5,5,12,24].choose, pan:-0.2, amp: volume, attack:0.25, sustain:1, release:0.25 end if one_in(8) use_synth :piano with_swing 0.2, pulse: 3 do with_fx :echo, phase: t/4.0, decay: t/2.0, mix:0.25 do play (chord thenote, :sus4), pan: -0.1, amp: volume, attack:0.0, sustain:1, release:1 end end end end end
posted by signal
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