To All Our Known Energies
May 6, 2021 1:10 PM
Downtempo ambient generative probabilistic instrumental.
Made in SonicPi.
Made in SonicPi.
#To All Our Known Energies duration = 270.0 with_bpm 30 do chord1 = (chord :G, :add4) chord2 = (chord :D, :add4) chord3 = (chord :D, :sus4) chord4 = (chord :E, :m11) set :thechord, chord1 progression = [chord1, chord1, chord2, chord3, chord2, chord4] live_loop :main do if vt > duration stop end thechord = progression.tick(:prog) set :thechord, thechord with_synth :pluck do with_fx :octaver, subsub_amp:0.1 do play_chord(thechord, decay:6, attack:0.1, pan: 0, amp: 1-vt/240) end end sleep 2 end live_loop :melody do if vt > duration*0.8 stop end thechord = get[:thechord] with_synth :dark_ambience do with_fx :distortion, amp:0.25 do with_fx :echo, phase: 1.0/8*1.5, decay:choose([1,1,1,2,6]) do thechord.each do |note| if one_in(3) play note, amp: 0.75, decay: 1, pan: 0.2 if one_in(4) time_warp -0.25 do play note+12, amp: 0.65*vt/duration, decay: 2, pan: -0.3 end end end sleep 0.5 end end end end end live_loop :morechords do if vt > duration*0.9 stop end thechord = get[:thechord] thechord = chord_invert(thechord, choose([-1,0,1])) with_synth :dark_ambience do with_fx :octaver, mix:0.25 do #with_fx :distortion do with_fx :gverb do with_fx :tremolo, phase:4, wave:0, depth: 1 do if vt>duration*0.1 play_chord(thechord, decay:6, amp:0.1*vt/duration, pan:-0.25) end end end end #end end sleep 3 end with_fx :tremolo, phase: 0.25, depth: 1, wave:1 do live_loop :beat1 do if vt > duration*0.85 stop end with_fx :echo, phase:1.0/4*1.5, decay: 1.0/8 do if one_in(3) sample :drum_bass_hard, amp:0.25, pan: -0.5 sleep 1 else sample :drum_heavy_kick, amp: 0.25, pan: 0.5 sleep 0.25 end end end live_loop :beat2 do if vt > duration*0.80 stop end if vt > duration*0.15 sample :drum_splash_soft, amp:0.25*(1-vt/duration), pan: -0.25, attack:0.1 end sleep 12 end live_loop :beat3 do if vt > duration*0.85 stop end if vt > duration*0.35 sample :loop_mika, beat_stretch: 8, amp: 0.75*vt/duration, pan: 0.25 end sleep 8 end live_loop :gtr1 do if vt > duration stop end thechord = get[:thechord] delta = thechord[0] - 66 with_fx :distortion, amp:0.25 do sample :guit_e_fifths, pitch:delta, amp:3*(1-vt/duration) sleep 4 * choose([1,1,2,3]) end end end live_loop :bass do if vt > duration*0.97 stop end thechord = get[:thechord] thenotes = [thechord[0], thechord[1]] with_synth :piano do with_fx :gverb do with_fx :pitch_shift, mix:0.25, pitch:12.1 do play(thenotes.tick(:bass)-12*2, amp: 0.03, decay:4, attack:0.25) sleep 2 end end end end arptimes = [0.75,0.75,0.25,1,0.75] live_loop :arp do if vt > duration*0.75 stop end thechord = get[:thechord] thechord.each do |note| with_synth :hollow do with_fx :flanger do with_fx :gverb do if vt > duration*0.25 volume = vt/duration*0.5 play(note+12, amp: volume) play(note+24.1, amp: volume) end sleep arptimes.tick(:arptimes)*2 end end end end end end
posted by signal (4 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Clever stuff. Basically magic to me how this sort of thing works.
posted by srednivashtar at 2:32 AM on May 7, 2021 [1 favorite]
posted by srednivashtar at 2:32 AM on May 7, 2021 [1 favorite]
ignignokt: " I *think* comes from that "two octaves plus a little nudge""
Thanks for the kind comments.
posted by signal at 6:03 AM on May 7, 2021
Thanks for the kind comments.
posted by signal at 6:03 AM on May 7, 2021
This is lovely, really enjoy the vibe of it.
posted by greenish at 12:02 PM on May 7, 2021 [1 favorite]
posted by greenish at 12:02 PM on May 7, 2021 [1 favorite]
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posted by ignignokt at 6:12 PM on May 6, 2021 [1 favorite]