The C.T.O.A.: Chill talkers of America

September 26, 2021 9:41 PM

I'd found out about lofi and chillhop music through some youtube streams during the lockdown, and that it was excellent "wallpaper music" for working-at-home doing drab admin. After a few months, I decided I understood some of the tropes, and tried my hand at making some. I had no idea this had been a mainstream genre for a decade already. As usual, a kinda half-baked golem emerges.

Source of the comedy bit: "Slow Talkers of America" by Bob Elliott and Ray Goulding. I played all the other stuff in one take.

posted by not_on_display (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

This reminds me of a chill version of the kind of thing Andre Antares does. You've got the pulse of the bit well-tracked with the chords and percussion.
posted by ignignokt at 2:48 PM on September 29, 2021 [1 favorite]

^^woah that was cool
posted by not_on_display at 12:17 AM on October 7, 2021

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