In a Bomb

April 9, 2023 8:04 PM

A noisy piece derived from a vibraphone sample.

I wrote a crude granular synthesizer (a thing that plays piece of samples, usually fast enough that it doesn't sound like the sample anymore). It lets you draw graphs that control how many pitches to play, where in the sample it should start, how much of the sample should be played, and how long each event should last. So, all of these things change over time in the piece.

It's a response to the "surf" "music" Junto prompt. I originally tried to use water drop samples to see if I could make something that sounded like the surf. (It usually sounded like peeing.)

posted by ignignokt (1 comment total)

A terrifying journey into, and out of, chaos.
posted by thatwhichfalls at 6:58 PM on April 18, 2023

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