Into The Sky

December 24, 2024 2:20 PM

Title track from an instrumental album I just finished. Details inside.

This song features TC on guitar and Sharon Raquel does the voice over. This album was a collab with Dream Theory. The ambitious concept of a "magic carpet ride to different places around the globe" turned into being just about the magic carpet, or flight itself. He wrote about half the songs.
On the album, you'll hear some pieces in 5/4, cello, french horn, string quartet, tubular bells, clarinet and other classical samples mixed with lots of synth sounds; also a few pieces in 5/4, modal scales, a phrase played forward and backward - in short, a sonic voyage. Into The Sky - full album. (free streaming/download - Merry Christmas!)

posted by AppleSeed (1 comment total)

This is great!
posted by limeonaire at 10:07 AM on December 27, 2024

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