7 posts tagged with Music and bass.
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This song liberally samples a song by Beri Saharof by the same name. What you never heard of Beri Saharof? Check him out, he's pretty good, sings mostly in hebrew, what with him being israeli. I discovered his music in an excellent movie called Saint Clara, good luck finding that one! This one sounds especially good in a car once the bass line kicks in.
Chocolate Time
Another bass line.
Here is another piece I'm working on.
Wandering Aloof
Another of my bass lines.
Why Did It Feel Like a Bad Thing? v1.0
This bass line came to me during a very confusing period in my life . . . a moment that still leaves a perpetual after-taste. Women are so confusing.
Always Talking
Another bass line I'm working. Yes I love the echo.
The Opportunity of Imminent Danger
One of several bass lines I've been creating. All of the other parts (Drums, guitar, keyboard, etc.) are still in my head. Anyone looking for a bass player?