4 posts tagged with circuitbent by The Great Big Mulp.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.
Mystery at the Broken Robot Factory
Starting in my teens, I had a series of dreams about living in the ruins of a subterranean post-apocalyptic society. In one of these dreams, a friend convinced me that we should take over the old broken robot factory to see if we could get it up and running again. It has never been clear if this was a broken factory that made robots or a factory that made broken robots. [more inside]
They Though He Was Part of the Ship
This song highlights one of the possible dangers of crashing one's ship on a planet inhabited by a totally alien species. I recorded this a few years ago, deciding only recently to mix it down. It features a reklus-modified Korg DDD-1.
Hot Cha
It's They Might Be Giant's Hot Cha for the MetaFilter Flood cover album. And, yes, it goes a bit strange at times.
Ringfinger (by Nine Inch Nails)
This was my submission to a project in which various artists covered songs from Nine Inch Nails' Pretty Hate Machine using at least one circuit bent or modified instrument (Soundcloud link). This one uses a reklus-modified Korg DDD1 and Monotribe (along with a sweet ring modulator he built).