8 posts tagged with folksong.
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- Mingulay Boat Song by Pallas Athena
- St Paul's by howfar
- Nodul Gangbyeon by peachfuzz
- I Am Paul Simon/The Mumbambu Project — Millimeters of Mercury by dacre
- Shchedryk by unSane
- The Rescue at Arisaig by LN
- If I Had Wings (in Yiddish) by barmaljova
- The No. 26 Mine Disaster by LN
Mingulay Boat Song
Trad. sea song, composed in the 1930s by Scots composer Hugh Roberton. I learnt it from a pirate band who used to play at the Maryland Renaissance Fair. [more inside]
St Paul's
A folk-song mainly about St Paul's Cathedral and its history, with themes of love, hope and continuity. [more inside]
Nodul Gangbyeon
I am making some (very) short recordings for my grandmother of the Korean folk songs she taught me. I thought I'd put one on MetaFilter. [more inside]
I Am Paul Simon/The Mumbambu Project — Millimeters of Mercury
So, similarly to how Paul Simon used a lot of traditional African melodies/chords/etc., in his Graceland album, I decided to employ a traditional Nigerian folk melody/chord progression for a chorus of a (I think) unique electro pounder. [more inside]
A quick surf-punk blast thru the Ukrainian folk song which was neutered into Carol of the Bells. For the challenge, obviously! [more inside]
The Rescue at Arisaig
Another true story from my family... [more inside]
If I Had Wings (in Yiddish)
If I only had wings, I would fly to you... If I had chains, I would pull you to me... Just open up my heart, you'll see that it's dark and heavy with my love to you...
Late last night, we wanted to capture the intimacy and quiet sparkle of this old song ... Hope it brings you a moment of peace and loveliness... [more inside]
The No. 26 Mine Disaster
Written by the incomparable Alistair MacGillivray (who rocks my socks), this song was written after an accident at the No. 26 Colliery in Glace Bay, NS in 1979. [more inside]