9 posts tagged with songsforahollowyear by pyramid termite.
Displaying 1 through 9 of 9.
09 - st faust considers the sparrows - vampire deer
they're always outside my apartment ... [more inside]
08 - everybody wants a revolution until ... - vampire deer
... they have to fight [more inside]
07 - always going the wrong way - vampire deer
it's like GPS, only backwards [more inside]
06 - jordan day - vampire deer
it doesn't pay to play golf with some people [more inside]
05 - this is a mirror that changes your face - vampire deer
it's all those 0s and 1s [more inside]
04 - song for a hollow year - vampire deer
maybe it'll be better this spring [more inside]
03 danny dollar - vampire deer
well, you know who this guy voted for [more inside]
02 crown of stars - vampire deer
i think this might be a car commercial or something [more inside]
01 - plato's garage - vampire deer
once again, i've done rpm - this is my 12th one - it's called songs for a hollow year [more inside]