8 posts tagged with supernatural.
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- The Beast In Me by Bunny Ultramod
- Cafe Flesh by Bunny Ultramod
- Don't Go In The Garage by Bunny Ultramod
- Big Bomb Punch by Bunny Ultramod
- Read From The Book Of Sin by Bunny Ultramod
- Read from the Book of Sin by Astro Zombie
- Don't Go in the Garage by Astro Zombie
- Chain and Shadow by flapjax at midnite
The Beast In Me
Another song from my forthcoming collection of supernaturally themed novelty garage band song, called "Don't Go In The Garage" and credited to Dr. Mysterian.
Cafe Flesh
Another song from my forthcoming supernaturally themed novelty garage rock album "Don't Go In The Garage," released under the named Dr. Mysterian.
Don't Go In The Garage
The title track to my forthcoming supernaturally themed novelty garage rock album, which will be released under the name Dr. Mysterian.
Big Bomb Punch
Another revised song, once again for my next album, "Don't Go In The Garage," to be released under the name Dr. Mysterian. This is a New Orleans party song about an especially potent drink.
Read From The Book Of Sin
A song from my forthcoming album of supernaturally themed novelty music, "Don't Go In The Garage," to be released under the name Dr. Mysterian. [more inside]
Read from the Book of Sin
Sometimes a little dangerous knowledge can be a thing. [more inside]
Don't Go in the Garage
The first song from my new collection of supernaturally themed novelty garage rock by my multiply pierced and tattooed sailor puppet, Sailor Martin; the collection of songs will also, eventually, be called Don't Go in the Garage. [more inside]
Chain and Shadow
This song is a direct result of a Flickr comment. I took a photograph, titled Chain and Shadow, and posted it to Flickr in March. A contact there, who knows my music, commented: "chain & shadow" is sweet. get out your strumstick and write a song.... And I thought, yeah, he's right, there's a song there for sure. I wrote one, and recorded it yesterday. I also discovered that "chain and shadow" (or some close variant) is a popular photographic theme indeed at Flickr. Hope y'all enjoy the tune. And/or the photograph(s). [more inside]