March On

August 28, 2007 6:51 AM

Feeling like the day won't end even through the dawn, Tommorrow brings the thought of hope helping us March On.

posted by Randy Curtis (5 comments total)

This was recorded with 2 cassette players, one having mic inputs the other playing the rythym. The drums came from a borrowed beat box using a generic setting.
posted by Randy Curtis at 7:06 AM on August 28, 2007

hey man! happy birthday!!!!!!! Rock on!
posted by micayetoca at 9:35 AM on August 28, 2007

Thank you much :)
posted by Randy Curtis at 9:57 AM on August 28, 2007

Woo hoo, listen to you rock it!

(Looks like we have a slide-King here now. And that's a good thing.)
posted by snsranch at 5:14 PM on August 28, 2007

Thanks For the Birthday wish my friend, I got drunk as shit last night. But I am good today.
posted by Randy Curtis at 11:17 PM on August 29, 2007

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