
December 18, 2007 7:57 AM

From late 2001. This was performed live with human sized puppet ants and a backup band. The drum sound was an old performa's midi based drum program. This was composed over 6 hours in the morning 2 days before 9/11.

This is from when I was performing with and as "Flyboy Action Figure"
This is from four track and mostly revolves around a fairly well known harmonica from an unnamed source. I play keys and guitar. Oh, and I used my playstation for looping the opening vocal bits. The original playstation cd was great for that.

posted by reklus (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

The only reason I know it was from two days before 9/11 is that I had a friend (the previously mentioned dead guitarist) die around that time and people who knew me kept asking if he'd died in New York.
posted by reklus at 7:59 AM on December 18, 2007

Not that the 9/11 time proximity really matters. It was just something in my head that couldn't quite cope with the fact that I'd had the first death of a friend and people were obsessed with a possible connection to something that seemed so remote to me.
posted by reklus at 1:40 PM on December 18, 2007

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