
March 10, 2008 10:28 PM

As with "Untold Demons", this song dates back to the late '80s and was extensively reworked (read: rewritten) in 2006. Duran Duran was a big influence on me back then, so for the update, I tried to imagine a Duran Duran song without Nick Rhodes.

The vocals are first take, so there are some rough spots. The lyrics, I guess, deal with a slow decline.

posted by NemesisVex (1 comment total)

As a DD fan from waaaaaay back I can say this is very reminiscent of them. Your vocals are a little lost in the rest of it, but what I can hear of them is cool. Lyrics make a tad more sense than DD lyrics usually do, though. ;)

I'm going to see them (well, what's left of them) in May near Chicago. I'm a little nervous I'll be disappointed.
posted by gillyflower at 1:43 PM on March 17, 2008

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