hallelujah was {not} a hoodrat..

June 19, 2009 9:18 PM

Influenced in all honesty by freya_lamb and wilco. And coffee shops. And random bars on 'punk' night with the acoustic Brittney spears covers that no one pays attention to. And the noise. Oh ~ it's half some jens lekman. Also dedicated to tired, exhausted folks with good things going for them.

posted by xorry (4 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

Cor!! I forgot the LINK
posted by xorry at 9:20 PM on June 19, 2009

I laughed out loud at the first tempo shift.

Combining this with "The Opposite of Hallelujah" is pretty inspired.
posted by Karlos the Jackal at 2:09 AM on June 20, 2009

Yikes! Thanks for sharing...this is just on the verge of a jefflewislujah.
posted by freya_lamb at 3:23 AM on June 20, 2009

Oh man, I had no idea who Jeffrey Lewis was. New hero!
posted by xorry at 8:05 PM on June 20, 2009

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