Money Growz Treez

August 30, 2010 11:17 AM

More of my experiment into writing/producing pop-ish music. I'm poor and just messing around at this point, so it's just Garage Band. Feedback much appreciated!

Advice/criticism would be great. I don't mind it harsh and honest without a sugar coat.

I'm sort of on the fence currently about maybe investing in some better software. Leaning toward Pro-tools at this point. Seems difficult to get a sound that doesn't hedge on the cheesy with Garage Band, and I can't quite place why. Part of it is the piano software instrument sound. It isn't good.

Also, I'd like to play our songs acoustically, so if anyone knows a drummer in Portland looking for a gig...

posted by Lutoslawski (2 comments total)

If you hadn't said it was on GarageBand, I wouldn't have noticed (although I say that as someone with nothing but love for GarageBand). But yeah, the software instruments on GarageBand have always felt pretty weak. But the voice, melody is super awesome! I'd love to see what you this would look like with a more acoustic recording. Who is singing?
posted by Corduroy at 1:36 PM on August 30, 2010

Hey thanks man (and fellow Portland musician it seems, by your AskMe?)!

The singer is my SO Sara (sometimes MeFite JaiMahodara). We really want to start playing acoustic gigs, but we lost a drummer and haven't been having much luck finding another, so I started doing weird mixes of our songs on Gband.

The only software instrument on Garage Band I really mind is the piano, but that might also be because I'm a pianist so I'm picky about it. But hell, for free software I've actually been pretty impressed with it.
posted by Lutoslawski at 3:01 PM on August 30, 2010

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