short service

June 19, 2011 12:17 AM

I don't really remember how I made was several weeks ago now...but I think it's old tamborine and piano samples; plus, bicycle spokes? and dowel rods maybe? yeah, it's made of stuff.

Yup, it's been a while, Mefites, but if you're interested the piece-a-day-for-a-year blog is still going at Clang Jingle Clang. Mercifully it will wrap up by September 1st, well before the birth of my first child. Check it out if you like weird short things everyday (and weird short composers).

posted by daisystomper (1 comment total)

I really like the mood here. It reminds me a little bit of Kaada -- without the song structure -- but the feeling is there.
posted by Karlos the Jackal at 1:58 AM on July 1, 2011

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