Specks> Uniquify

November 27, 2011 8:56 AM

So closes another chapter of the Gyrophonic discography. We end Step Outside with two tracks, which elide into each other. The second track begins around the 4'20" mark.


For most of our improvs, there will be, at least, some kind of idea for what kind of sound we have in mind, or something--something, going into it, that we'd like to experiment with, to see where it goes, from a starting point. This, however, was completely off the cuff, yet it somehow manages to develop a motif, almost a classical form (pretty sure one could argue an improvised sonata form). I'm not sure how it happened--it surprises us, still, 6 months after it was originally done.


Trey Beauregard - Baritone Sax
Melissa Burcham - Flute
Tommy Scheurich - Viola


The goal here was "as little motion as possible." The slow drone is provided by cello and whamola, in octaves of C, with uke and flute providing subtle acoutrement. A surprise colour introduction enters near the denouement, just in time to disappear with the rest of the album, into the æther.


Trey Beauregard - Baritone Ukulele, Acoustic Guitar
Melissa Burcham - Flute, Acoustic Guitar
Timbill Corder - Whamola
Tommy Scheurich - Cello, Acoustic Guitar

posted by askmeaboutLOOM (1 comment total)

"Specks" sounds to me like a gonzo Peter and the Wolf.

doop doop doop there he goes

"Uniquify" sounds like something that would be on the soundtrack of Ravenous if it was directed by Andrei Tarkovsky.
posted by Karlos the Jackal at 2:21 AM on November 30, 2011 [1 favorite]

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