
January 15, 2012 12:58 PM

A very simple electronic tune which I made a long time ago. Not a great deal occurs, just plods along. I quite like it.

It also contains an odd sighing sound at a couple of points.

posted by Captain Najork (3 comments total)

This is great soundtrack music. I love it. Could I ask what you used to record this? I have been wanting to do some things like this and have a nice full MIDI keyboard and ableton but mixed results. THanks for sharing this!!
posted by tunewell at 1:20 PM on January 15, 2012

Cheers tunewell. I used fruityloops, now known as flstudio. Really was a long time ago so I can't remember what plugins I would have been using but likely some different vst synths and effects.
posted by Captain Najork at 1:37 PM on January 15, 2012

Reminds me of some old autechre :)
posted by symbioid at 9:40 AM on January 23, 2012

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